Mighty Health Review

In the crowded marketplace of fitness and weight loss apps all complete with lofty promises, it can be hard to determine which may actually work for you. But there’s one newer app making a name for itself by providing just the right balance of nutrition, low-impact exercise, personal support and overall wellness—especially for the 50+ crowd. 

Find out if the Mighty Health App is the smart solution to help you live healthier for the long run with this comprehensive review.

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First wellness app designed specifically for adults 50+
On average members lose ~15 lbs in their first 3 months
Each member is given a dedicated health coach
Evidence-backed developed by a research team of top doctors
Personalized fitness and nutrition plans
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How Does The Mighty Health App Work?

Forget one-size-fits-all solutions. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, prepare for or recover from a recent event (ie, surgery), or simply incorporate more movement into your daily routine, the Mighty Health App provides a holistic approach to your health journey that’s specifically designed for your age, personal goals and preferences. 

What’s included with the Mighty Health App? 

With custom, on-demand exercise routines, nutritionally balanced meal plans, one-on-one support from your very own coach and more, Mighty Health is designed to help you adopt a healthy lifestyle that lasts. 

A premium membership to the Mighty Healthy App includes:

  • 100+ low-impact workouts for all fitness levels
  • Personal coach for 24/7 support and feedback 
  • Custom nutrition plan with grocery list and tips  
  • Lessons written or curated by leading doctors 
  • Challenges, Q&As and live events
  • Supportive community of fellow members    

What does a typical day look like? 

Each day when you log in to the Mighty Health App, you’ll see a short, manageable list of tasks specific to your health journey. These usually consist of a mix of healthy eating tips, recommended exercises, or interesting articles and lessons tailored to you.


The goal is to focus on consistently completing these daily tasks; you’ll even receive surprises for “streaks” and “achievements” along the way. We enjoyed these small touches as a fun reminder to stay motivated and consistent. 

How do I get started?

Getting set up on the Mighty Health app is pretty straightforward. It’s currently only available for smartphones (with most functionality available on tablets as well), and can be downloaded directly from the App Store or Google Play. 

After taking a quick assessment to help create a custom plan for you, they offer a seven-day free trial that lets you test out all of the great features they offer, like connecting to a personal coach and trying out their custom meal plans and exercises—before you fully commit. 

What does the Mighty Health App cost? 

If you want to keep the momentum going, you have two choices when it comes to enrolling in a premium membership for full access to everything the Mighty Health App has to offer. Here’s a look at the pricing at the time of this review:

Annual Premium Membership Monthly Premium Membership
$179.99/year ($14.99/month) $29.99/month
Save $180 a year!

As you can see, paying for the yearly membership up front provides the best value along with the best shot at success with a firm commitment from the start. That said, we still appreciate that Mighty Health also provides a monthly option for flexibility.

It’s also worth mentioning that Mighty Health does offer a free version of their app that you can download, but it only includes limited access to a few workouts and lessons with none of the personal coaching, plans or entire catalog that makes the program truly stand out.

Who Is Mighty Health Best Suited For?

While most health and fitness apps on the market tend to cater to younger demographics, Mighty Health is unique in that it is geared more toward the 45-50+ crowd. 

This traditionally underserved age group can particularly benefit from the doctor-designed nutritional plans and low-impact workouts, as well as direct feedback from an expert health coach who can help tailor or adjust the plan as needed (reminder: This does not replace or supersede advice or recommendations from your physician). 

What the Mighty Health App Does Well 

While this app has made a name for itself by catering to the 50+ crowd, there are a few things that we think make Mighty Health a winner for anyone looking to live a healthier lifestyle, long term. 

Weight Loss

While everyone gains and loses weight differently, people who use the Mighty Health App tend to lose an average of 12 pounds within the first three months. 

And since the nutrition plans focus on long-term healthy eating habits, we like that it doesn’t feel like a fad diet or quick fix that’s impossible to maintain. 

Support: Mighty Health Coach + Community 

With Mighty Health, you are immediately connected to a dedicated health coach who is there to help you every step of the way. From real-time feedback and tips on what you’re eating each day to tech help when needed, your coach is an incredible source of support for the day-in-and-day-out of your health journey. We personally liked the option to communicate through text and appreciated our coach’s overall responsiveness, advice and genuine interest in our success.

You also have access to a community of people who are on a similar health journey. From sharing recipes to helping to hold each other accountable, having this level of peer support ensures you never feel alone on your journey.  

Health Benefits

Nutrition: It’s reassuring to know that the personalized nutrition plans from Mighty Health are based on recommendations from top cardiologists and medical specialists across the nation. Based on their expert recommendations along with guidance from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association, the meal plans are intentionally designed to be low-carb and flexible to fit your preferences to provide the most sustainable, healthy results. 

Exercise: Mighty Health takes a unique approach to fitness, and it’s one we can get behind. While many health apps tend to highlight high-intensity fitness routines, Mighty Health suggests specific, low-impact, joint-friendly exercises based on your preferences so working out doesn’t have to feel like so much work. The Mighty Health App also syncs up your phone’s integrated pedometer app to get a sense of how many steps you’re taking each day and adjust your recommended fitness routine accordingly. You can also sync to other fitness tracking apps (ie, your Fitbit) or enter them manually to make sure they’re counted.   

Mighty Health vs Other Apps 

Mighty Health vs Noom 

While both of these apps are designed to help you make lasting changes to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, their approach is slightly different. Mighty Health is focused on providing low-impact exercises and nutrition and wellness advice that speaks to where people 50+ are in life, while Noom relies heavily on behavior-based lifestyle changes for a broader audience. When it comes to cost, Mighty Health is generally more budget-friendly although Noom’s prices are heavily dependent upon the plan you select.

Mighty Health vs MyFitnessPal

Although the Mighty Health and MyFitnessPal apps are both designed for weight loss, their similarities pretty much end there. While MyFitnessPal is a popular go-to for the calorie-counting crowd, it doesn’t offer anywhere near the level of personalization, guidance and support that you get with Mighty Health. The cost is reflective of that, since it offers many of its main features in a free version of the MyFitnessPal app. 

More about Mighty Health, the Company

When co-founder James Li witnessed his father struggle to regain his health after needing emergency heart surgery, he saw an opportunity to help not just his dad, but anyone experiencing the health challenges that come with a certain age. 

Along with a team of top board-certified physicians and medical experts across many specialities, James founded Mighty Health in 2018 and has helped fulfill an unmet need in the wellness app marketplace. 

Mighty Health is headquartered in San Francisco, California. 

Mighty Health Diet FAQ

How much does the Mighty Health App cost?

For the best value, you can opt to pay for the premium membership up front for a year at $179.99. That works out to $14.99 a month, which saves you $180 versus paying monthly.

Mighty Health also offers a $29.99 per month membership for more flexibility and no long term commitment. 

Can I access the Mighty Health App for free? 

In short, YES! They are currently running a seven-day free trial so you can experience all that Mighty Health has to offer before fully committing. 

In addition to the free trial, there are also a limited number of features, like access to a few of their popular workouts and lessons, available for free on the Mighty Health app. But dedicated coaching, custom nutrition plans and workouts, and community are what truly make Mighty Health stand out, and these are only accessible with a paid membership. 

If you’d like to poke around the free version of the Mighty Health app, simply hit “skip” on the pricing page in the app. 

What type of activity level is required with Mighty Health?  

Since Mighty Health was specifically designed for people who may have different needs when it comes to exercise (ie, those who are 50+ or preparing for/recovering from surgery), the workouts, like Chair Yoga and Knee Strengthening, are intentionally low-impact, flexible and easy to complete from the comfort of your own home. 

Do I need to count calories with Mighty Health? 

While many weight loss apps on the market are centered around a daily calorie allotment, Mighty Healthy isn’t one of them. Instead, the team of physicians and fitness experts who created Mighty Health chose to focus on a low-carb meal plan to help promote the most realistic, sustainable results without obsessing over each calorie. 

Your low-carb meal plan will be customized to fit your dietary preferences and goals. Each day you’ll enter in your meal (mainly the components) and your coach will review and give helpful feedback and recommendations to help make sure you’re getting the most out of your program.

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